Sentence dictionary
sql server 서비스
in a sentence
sql server injection attack sql server
Sql server injection attack sql server
history of microsoft sql server
The history of Microsoft SQL Server begins with the first Microsoft SQL Server product-SQL Server 1.0, a 16-bit server for the OS / 2 operating system in 1989-and extends to the current da...
microsoft sql server
The Enterprise edition used Microsoft SQL Server as its database engine. All back-end data is stored in Microsoft SQL Server. Master Data Services first shipped with Microsoft SQL Server 2...
microsoft sql server 2000
The Premium edition of SBS adds Microsoft SQL Server 2000 and Microsoft ISA Server 2004. Separately, Microsoft said it will ship Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Reporting Services by the end of ...
microsoft sql server 2005
Microsoft SQL Server 2005 includes a component named SQL CLR ( " Common Language Runtime " ) via which it integrates with . NET Framework. First released with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, SS...
microsoft sql server 2008
Master Data Services first shipped with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. Cloud Sites supports the PHP 5, Perl, ASP and Microsoft SQL Server 2008 application frameworks. The remaining componen...
microsoft sql server 2008 r2
Master Data Services first shipped with Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.
microsoft sql server desktop engine
The Standard Edition uses a Microsoft SQL Server Desktop Engine ( MSDE ) ( included with the product ) to store configuration and user data. Plesk installs custom versions of or manages ve...
microsoft sql server express
ArcGIS Server Enterprise supports IBM DB2, IBM Informix Dynamic Server, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and PostgreSQL . ArcGIS Server Workgroup supports Microsoft SQL Server Express R1 and ...
microsoft sql server master data services
"' Microsoft SQL Server Master Data Services "'is a Master Data Management ( MDM ) product from Microsoft that ships as a part of the Microsoft SQL Server relational database management sy...
PC Version